We value simplicity and enjoy a full life; we run from that thing called a busy life.
Sometimes this means saying "no" to really good things so we can have the great.
Sometimes this means saying "no" to things we want to do.
With as much as we work, it means having a lot of boundaries with a sometimes only a side of fun and the spontaneous.
But we value investing time in those things which feed our soul.
Like creative nights with some local crafters.
(I, Layne, especially feel the loss of not living with an entire gaggle of artists. From decades of living with my sister, to years in university, to traveling with a group of exceptionally artistic girls, my creative juices thrive when surrounded with creative dreamers.
Jonathan and I are just now finding how we can cultivate this in togetherness...)
We have found a fatty place for soul food in
recently implementing photo explorations into our married life.
Since we take photos for a living, it's easy for us to leave our camera by the wayside and not include it in the fun parts of our life.
But we've decided to adventure together into the unknown with our cameras.
And we have loved finding beauty in even the smallest of things.
So take a step back this week and look at all that is life-giving in your family. Go deeper in these places.
We don't regret it and we know you won't either. It will make all the difference.
So Enjoy this week. Enjoy this life.
Don't be so busy doing that you forget to live.
That's all.