It's here again-that time when we get to shine the light on a creative soul in another corner of the world.
This month we are so happy to feature fellow photographer Taren Maroun-she has some incredible work!
And in her own words....A little about me: well, I’ve been doing photography for about ten years now. I started in high school simply as a means to express emotion and creativity. I didn’t realize how deeply I poured myself into my photos until a few years down the line. My earlier images were very emotive, all surrounding the things I was going through, the way I felt and how I viewed the world. I still love going back and looking at those. I believe that photography, or rather art as a whole, has the ability to speak beyond words (as well as reveal the true self). With intention it can tug and speak and encourage our very souls into deeper and higher places. To me, that is the highest honor. To be able to show someone the “more” to our existence. That the mundane isn’t all there is to life — that there is a living breathing world to be explored and that that world has a language and it speaks, should we choose to listen.