I met Katy through her sister Anne (yes, The Anne), years and years ago in Hawaii. We met in passing, but through the years of hearing Katy stories and chatting back and forth through Anne, I knew this was a girl I wanted in my close friend circle. (More specifically, I wanted to be next-door neighbours with her.)
This has not yet been in the cards for us. (We can always hope for One Day.)
Over the years, we've spent very little time in person, but I feel inspired by this beauty constantly through her instagram (@goodwill.living and @katy__rose__) account and other life stories.
She's a gem and I'm so excited to introduce her as this month's artist.
Now, in her own words.....
Light in Darkness.
Joy in Struggle.
Beauty in Ashes.
Redemption. It inspires me. To live reflecting the enormous love of God that defeats trial, fear, and storm, is a testimony to who He is and what He has done by sending his Son to be light in dark, and to turn our ashes to beauty.
I suppose I've always been an artist at heart, but have grown to see the numerous outlets for artistry, whether it's in cultivating homes for our families, welcoming people in, decorating cookies with our children, or preparing dinner.
Both of my grandmothers were accomplished artists, and my father taught me much about art growing up. In college I studied art in Florence, Italy, and it was there that I first tried my hand at oil painting.
A lot of life happened between those dreamy Italian days and the time almost two years ago when I picked the paintbrush up again... marriage, five cross-country moves, and a handful of children. My wonderful husband nudged me back into painting with the gift of an easel for my birthday and lots of encouragement.
Since then I have been creating oil paintings in my cozy little home "studio" (corner of a room) and selling them online through my site, Goodwill Living. I don’t commit to one genre of art, and love everything from abstracts to more realistic landscapes. But somewhat constant is the theme of light in darkness.
While my art tells a story, I'm even more compelled by real life stories of redemption and sacrificial love. Jesus shows such care for the poor, the orphan, the marginalized, the hurting, and needy, and I take that to heart. My blog and website focuses a lot on the joy of "a life poured out", and the beauty in allowing the Holy Spirit to serve his purpose as the Comforter, rather than anesthetizing ourselves with endless material comforts.
With that in mind, the Goodwill Living Shop began about a year ago. Half the profits from art-buyer's purchases support important causes worldwide. Currently, they are funding the abolition of child-trafficking through the work of Love146. I offer original oil paintings, and fine art prints.
For now, I’m so enjoying this endeavor, and have loved connecting with people through it. Please come say hello! I’d love to meet you.
Instagram: @goodwill.living and @katy__rose__