I recently got inspired with my friends Holly and Sarah to start a "Jane Austen Book Club" which we lovingly refer to as JABC. (Of course.)
You should know that this is not the kind of book club where we pick an Austen book and read it simultaneously and then meet to discuss. This is the kind of book club where we gather with tea and our Austenian book of choice and read away simultaneously. Or, in the case of this morning, tea first; talk (chat, talk, talk, talk) second, third and fourth; then a bit 'o reading at the end.
We had our first meeting this morning (sans Holly, boo) and it was the perfect start to this sunny Canadian Thursday.
I was also inspired by Sarah's summer inspiration and thought I'd share:
(Holly you are loved and missed. Darcy, Austen, Sarah and I request your presence as soon as humanly possible.)