Hello hello hello! Welcome to my nook of random babblings. One thing I’ve been really delving more into this week is love. Love? Really? Cliché much? I understand the topic of love is worn out to just about nothing other than a somewhat catchy tune with pathetic excuses for lyrics. However, I am not here to talk about romance, or finding yo dream gurl with dat body. I’m simply writing today about small actions that can be found within those fleeting decisions throughout our days. This week I’ve just become more aware of decisions of love that I make (and have made) each and every day. I have no doubt that our life paths would be incredibly different without love. We choose to go to that graduation (that we don’t really want to attend) simply because we know someone there (or maybe a friend is dragging you along and you really don’t care. You’re loving somewhere in this… subtly), pick up that family member from some random far out place because their car broke down, or hangout with that person that just needs to vent… for three hours, or just remaining calm with that sibling that seriously deserves a beating. What I’m trying to say is, in the moment these things never seem gratifying (let’s be honest, I would rather be eating Nutella from a jar while watching PLL.), but at the end of the day, you can’t help but like yourself a little bit for sucking it up, doing it, and just dealing with it. Ever think that loving others makes you love yourself? Simple thought. Whether this idea is right or wrong, I dare you to love. Also, here are some fun pictures of Layne, Jono, and I at a wedding from this past weekend.