Not only are Katie and Josh incredible people (and well-loved by all who know them), but they are also the best kind of people to work with on a rainy wedding day.
Although their wedding and reception were planned for outside, at least the latter had to be moved in at the last minute due to inclement weather. They didn't bat an eye.
They didn't want a "first look" but we changed it around at the last minute to make sure we got some photos before the rain really started in.
They stood outside and said "I do" through all the drops and the entire bridal party gave us smiles through all the rainy photos afterwards.
We give serious kuddos to these wonderful people and their laughter in the midst of all plans going asunder.
Anddddd, let's remember the best thing of all: they're married.
Congrats, Katie and Josh.
May each year of your life together be sweeter than the last.
Enjoy this sneak to the peek of your perfect day.