We've been here in Hawaii for over a month now (crazzzyyyyyy). In so many ways, this black rocks feels like a piece of home. In addition to meeting here seven years ago, we've spent a big chunk of time in the last decade on this little dot in the middle of the Pacific in the past decade.
It's been a fulfilling few weeks, full of depth, new ideas and lots of dreaming. Though school and meetings and more meetings, take up most of our time, we've managed to sneak off campus here and there for a field trip, on the weekend and any other chance we get.
Oh, and did we mention that we've been able to spend time with many (non-local) friends while here? In the past month we've seen Catherine (sister), Sarah and Dave (Brantford + book club friends), Brett (univeristy + life friend) and Jaylene (Layne's track girl) is coming this weekend. Lucky, lucky us.
So, all that to say, enjoy a little glimpse at the beauty that is Hawaii.
Oh yeah-and Happy Wednesday.