cred @hannahvictoria, our fabulous intern.
Be Fearless & Authentic.
We recently had the honour of photographing the WPIC (Wedding Planners Institute of Canada) annual kick-off in Toronto.
Their theme for the speakers was this very topic-be fearless and authentic.
In business. In life.
This matters.
Running our own business is one of The Scariest and Most Vulnerable things we've ever done. It absolutely has its painful days.
Staying true to ourselves, each other and the Important Relationships in our lives isn't always easy, but we choose it anyway.
Be fearless. Be authentic.
These are two of our core values for life-along with some other things like generosity, honesty, grace and working hard.
We put this note on our fridge to inspire us every day. Because sometimes, we all need a little reminder.
So take a deep breath and jump into something scary today, something that you know you need to do. I promise-it's so worth it.