Here are a few images we took for the Riverside Reading Series Summer Writers Festival! Sign up for their newsletter to stay in the loop for their future writer events - we hope to see you there!
Alright, friends! In honour of the last week of pre-sales for Remember Us (you can buy your one - or ten- copies HERE), Lindsay and I are doing another GIVEAWAY. (You can check it out on our @blakeandbeckner Instagram account. Look for this photo!)
It's hard to describe what this month has been like. We've had an amazing amount of support from people buying our book, messaging us to see how things are going, sharing our posts, etc. I've had people (you know who you are Nicole!) message and ask when I'm next going to be in our office because she has a "Yay you wrote a book!" gift for me.
We've talked to five publishers, have one contract already in hand, and are already working with a professional editor to fix and fine-tune our book.
We are hoping to finish out with 250 in sales (we're at 190 at the writing of this post.) Either way, we know we faced something that felt terrifying and walked forward anyway. Also, it should be noted: most books sell 200-300 copies in their first year. We're at 190 in our first month!
It's been one wild ride of a month - hard, good, slow, encouraging, discouraging - but we are ending with so many feelings of love and gratefulness.
Thanks for your support and help along the way!