design cred @hannahvcordero
Two Words: Book Club.
Last fall I walked into Starbucks for an Americano and a bit of work and, as is often the case with my trips to this Happy Place, I found more than I bargained for. Between sips and emails a sign caught my eye: "Love Starbucks? Love Reading? Well, then this club is for you."
One of the baristas, Alicia, was starting a book club and I signed up without a second thought. Yes, please.
Over the last year, we've met approximately once a month and read through almost a dozen books. (The Paris Wife, Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend and Sutton have been some of my faves if you are looking for some interesting reads.)
The ladies I've met through this little adventure are smart, funny and kind. Married, single, parents, older, younger, self-employed, teachers-we come from a variety of situations and backgrounds and it's fun.
We've met at Starbucks for coffee, Sarah's house for her back porch, or at restaurants for dinner/drinks. Last night I was so happy to host our wee club and took the night off to chat the night away with these lovely souls.
Hope you are having the best of weeks.