Bernie stopped me in the middle of the sidewalk-she needed to tell me something. She needed to tell me that she liked my legs...and then about how she once saved a young boy's life.
It was a random and obviously amusing few minutes in the midst of my break-from-laundry walk in the mid-day heat. I was un-showered, sweaty and focused, but I willed myself to enjoy the distraction.
She stopped in the middle of story number two. "Damn, girl. Damn. Your legs!" [She didn't notice the multi-day's worth of hair growth or my "mom shoes"?!]
I laughed and told her she made my day and she said "That's what it's all about. We should always be looking for ways to brighten others' days."
And she's right. Thank you, Bernie, for that.
So three cheers for genuine kindness and kind words in the midst of ordinary weeks. Have a great week, folks. xo.