more details here.
Baby Dreams and Grown-Up Things
{Because Saturdays are for New Things.}
I love coaching people through their strengths and passions to figure out what makes them come alive and to formulate a career path.
I love working with leaders and managers to strategize how they can be more effective and fulfilled in their career.
I love working with teams to create synergy and focus.
I love reorganizing businesses to maximize potential.
I love working with baby businesses to grow others' dreams to a fruitful reality.
So I took my years of experience, got some certification and more education-which I'll continue through the years-and decided to open a business.
Boom, baby.
Click on it to check it out!
The vision is to develop leaders, teams and individuals into their fullest potential based on who they are and the strenghts they possess.
I'm using a combination of tools I respect (like StrengthsFinder and Myers Briggs) to augment effectiveness.
Check me out, looking all official:
A lot of people ask me about the name and why I didn't just use my own. I love my name but I wanted a name that was both compelling and meaningful, gender neutral and solid.
So after manyyyyyy name choices, Francis Becks was still at the top for a couple of reasons:
First and foremost, I believe we as humans are stronger together. We can go further, dream more and learn from those around us along the way. Of all the incredible people in my life, my gratitude starts with my family. I have some strong family in my life and so in honour of them all, I named the company after both of my grandmothers who were strong, smart, upstanding women.
Frances and Manie Beckner.
They are no longer with me, but I intend to carry on their legacy for as long as I can.
Plus, who is going to diss my name choice when I tell them it's after my grandmothers?!
Secondly, I plan for this company to grow bigger than me. I see so much need for people to find out what makes them come alive and where they best fit in this helter skelter world. So I want to bring other consultants alongside me (and after the proper training and experience) to coach those around us into greatness.
So I chose a name that was more than me, more than us.
Many people ask me if this means I'm quitting Jono & Laynie and the answer is decidedly NO. I will always love our photography business. I simply plan on hiring out more of my editing so I can balance both careers and spend more of my life away from the computer and with other humans.
I only have this one life, so I'm going for it with all my heart. Do what you love, people.
Thanks for reading and sharing in this journey with me.