Hello again from The Intern Corner! It has almost been a full week since I have been in wee little Brantford and I must say, I have already learned so much and cannot help but love this town. The sun always seems to shine down on this quaint place. With that being said, I was given the privilege to shoot a beautiful wedding with Layne this past Saturday. Two words: All. Sunshine. I was actually surprised I haven’t had to pull one snowcap or one pair of wool socks out since being in Canada. Even though I grew up only a few hours south of Ontario, I envisioned crossing the Canadian border and seeing snow. Talk about stereotype mentality. That’s not the only piece of wisdom I have collected this past week… I have quickly figured out that every wedding photographer has a hat rack. Figuratively speaking of course, every photographer must be someone who can fill several OTHER job titles to their full capacity while still being the wedding photographer. Naturally, Layne was my guinea pig for this thesis, and she quickly confirmed that wedding photographers indeed wear more than one hat during a wedding celebration. I thought I was assisting Layne to photograph people at a wedding when come to find out I ended up assisting her with being a wedding coordinator, time manager, professional army crawler, fashion consultant, greeter, and on the side photographer (ok, maybe more than a side job. But you know.). Once I figured out what came with this territory, I loved every second of the unexpected positions I ended up filling this weekend. At one point I actually found myself offering to help refill the punch. I quite enjoy having the option of so many different hats… I mean, what girl doesn’t like options?