We talk consistently about how grateful we are to work for ourselves, with each other, to work with our hands and in a creative field.
The behind-the-scenes of our work and life, however, is a tad less glamorous than we generally talk about.
The reality is that we sit at our computers for hours on end, sorting photos, editing shoots, responding to emails, etc. While I love this and don't mind our long hours, it has left little time for 1. feeling creative or 2. being creative.
I've barely seen the sun for the past two weeks as it's already been dark for hours by the time I leave for home.
So I've been pondering of late what I need to change to get back into a healthy mental, soul and life rhythm.
And with that, I've been reminding myself what feeds my soul, makes me feel alive.
-having a processing and/or writing date by myself...obviously with a coffee in hand.
-cooking- preferably with a glass of wine and music.
-walks-they are my favourite space to think, pray, dream, sort out my thoughts. The trail along the river in Brantford is the best thing about this town (next to our photo business), in my humble opinion.
-long drives or travel days-I finally find myself with time to sort out all the things on my mind.
-blogging. You may not know it from my recent silence, but I genuinely enjoy organizing and sharing my thoughts in this space. I can always tell how sane my days are by gauging our blog posts and their brevity, personality and creativeness.
I have a bit of an overhaul ahead of me in order to get some of these back in my life with more regularity but I'm off to a good start-I got up this morning and made a soup (with no wine in hand, don't worry) and didn't come into work until noon.
So off I go to edit away with some Taylor Swift tunes keeping me company.