Jonathan's birthday has been pretty significant in most of our years together.
To note, in the last 6 years:
year 1: Kona// surprise beach birthday picnic with just a handful of friends...we were "just friends" way back when...but friends with googley eyes if you know what I mean. Ahem.
year 2: Canada//we'd already dated...and broken up. But we were "talking" again. And we were gearing up for a Chicago-Minneapolis road trip we were about to make together two days later to see my (now our) friends Dave and Lynette get married.
year 3: California//he surprised me while I was on a roadtrip with my AHLN girls and we got ENGAGED.
year 4: Canada//home sweet home and we were newlyweds. We had a picnic in the park with our friends. Woo hoo.
year 5: landed in Kona
year 6: Finland explorations {see below-mini road trip, teensy picnic, a bit of walking, some sauna time and we called it a day.}
...I am seeing a "picnic" theme here. I guess we always like it nice and simple.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE. You are amazing and I can't believe I get to be married to you every single day. Lucky me.
Hope your year is your best yet.
Look what we found on the map! {Hint: Craigmont AND Brantford.}
I am posting this despite the fact my neck looks disturbing weird.