Hi friends!
We just wanted to give you a follow-up on the business workshop that Francis Becks held here at the photo studio over the weekend.
There were 14 people who attended and/or spoke throughout the day and it was such a great feeling to network and learn for an entire day with other professionals. Thankfully it was a bit cold and grey outside, so we weren't all-that-sad that we were inside for the entirety of the day.
Since you asked...
Things I would will do differently the next time I do a workshop:
1. Have it on a weeknight, not a Saturday. What was I thinking?!
2. Have fewer topics. (We were all so engrossed in each subject that we kept running out of time.) This was both Great and bad.
Things I would do the same:
1. Invite our brilliant speakers again. Christophe, Eustan, Lucas-you were amazing and I left feeling so inspired (and with a massive TO DO list for our businesses.)
2. Ask Healthy Rabbit to cater the event.
3. Ask Emylee to bake brownies.
A few things I'm implementing into our businesses straightaway from yesterday:
1. Challenge-have a coffee a day with someone new for the next 60 days. (Can I? Shall I?)
2. Stop spending cash in our businesses.
3. Read "The Wealthy Barber."
4. Get great at storytelling.